I don't think there's a good UR thief to compare Mia against. WOTV-Calc is a web app for the Global and Japanese version of WotV. The difference between Y'shtola and Mediena is probably not a fair comparison, since they do serve different functions, but still. Granted, there's lots of other difference between the units, but just from looking at those stats, you can see that bumping in rarity gives noticeable increases. compared to Mediena's 744 HPP/152 MAG/35 AGI. So, looking at that, rarity makes a huge difference (something we already knew, but which is nice to be able to put some hard numbers on it.)-Likewise, Miche can cap out at 432 HP/83 MAG/24 AGI from just levels, to Y'shtola's 464 HP/109 MAG/30 AGI. Fredericka, by the way, who gets no Mage Jobs at all, has more MAG than Learte, who DOES get a Magic Job. To get started, choose an equipment from the inputs above If you wish to learn from my brother, click on the Awakening Prism at the top at anytime. Though, at least Learte can buff that from her ability board.)ĪGI is where rarity really destroys units though Learte is 10 behind Fredericka, before you even look at the ability board. This tool calculates the average stat gain for equipment. The HP difference is huge (Fredericka at about 900, Learte at. So, Learte (R-rarity, has 78 ATK/111 DEX at max level, before any bonuses from Job Levels/Ability board Fredericka has 119 ATK/117 DEX.) That's a big ATK difference, but DEX isn't too far off. Let's look at one of the best-of-the-best, Fredericka, with a fairly comparable low Rarity alternative in Learte (both Lightning elemental ranged attackers.) I like this! It lets you compare naked units to help put into stark reality just how much worse low rarity units are than top rarity.