Here's a gigantic list of all of the parity changes that are being made to Bedrock: "Parity" is one of the big promises that Mojang made last year, and it means that the Java Edition (which is the one most often played on PC) and the Bedrock Edition (the one on consoles, including Switch) will be brought closer together, making sure that any inconsistencies between the two are smoothed over. Sculk block features are now accessible by enabling this toggle.Each Frog variant will cause a different Froglight block to drop The Frog will eat the Magma Cube and a Froglight block will drop. The blocks are obtained by luring a Frog close to a small Magma Cube.Three new Froglight blocks have been added (Pearlescent, Verdant, and Ochre).Tadpoles grow into a different type of Frog based on the biome they are born in.Tadpoles "jump around" like fishes when on land, and eventually die.Tadpoles that grow up will turn into a Frog.Frogs can be tempted and bred using Seagrass, but this is just a placeholder food for now.Frogs can eat small Slimes, causing a Slime Ball to drop.Frogs can croak, jump, swim, and walk on land.If you want to get a sneak peek at upcoming features, make sure to toggle experimental features in the game - you can find instructions right here.
#Minecraft 1.18 update
Minecraft allows players to opt in to "experimental" features, which are most often the additions that are coming in the next update (which is The Wild update, currently). If you’re playing in South Korea, we added gameplay timers and notices in compliance with gaming laws to help remind players to take occasional breaks from gameplay.Besides, its shape has also changed instead. Now blocks and other objects will be better rendered in fog, as the latter has become a little further away. One of the most significant changes has to do with the fog this update is mainly focused on it. World settings can now be changed directly on Realms, just like local worlds Minecraft 1.18.1 release date: December 10, 2021.